

ALCASAR can be installed on a simple PC connected between the consultation network and the Internet provider broadband router. It is completely independent from the consultation network (WIFI, PLC, Ethernet, etc.). It uses only standards. Thus the consultation network can be constituted of all type of equipment (PC, laptop, tablets, smartphones, game consoles, etc.) and operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, IOS, WebOS, etc.).

Users interface

On the consultation network the user can use the equipment he wants. When a web browser is launched an authentication web page is displayed in the language confgured in the browser preferences. This page contains information about the main functions of the portal. For example, it allows the user to change its password :

Once the authenticating process is finished the web browser display the user's Internet page and a complementary window where the user can disconnect from the portal. Depending of the filter configuration, all applications and all network protocols can be used by the authenticated users (ftp, email, relay chat, P2P, radio, IM, etc.).

Administrators interface

They can access via HTTPS and by authenticated manner to the graphical control center from any web browsers connected on the consultation network :

to manage the consultation equipment and the connected users ;
to manage users : add and remove user or group of users modifcation of their profles (expiration date connection time slots connection time limit by day or month bandwidth limits etc.) ;
to consult consultation and bandwidth statistics ;
to consult frewall events ;
to retrieve (for backup) the files which should be given in case of police investigation. These files contain the consultation traces of all networks protocols and of all accessed addresses. They constitute the proof of all the consultation activity. They can be ciphered;